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LED Lighting Product Certification Scheme


The Independent LED (Light Emitting Diode) Lighting Advisory Committee (hereinafter referred as "the Committee") was established in March 2012 by the invitation of Scheme Owner, The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association (HKEIA) (hereinafter referred as "the Scheme Ower) to oversee and provide directions on the development of Product Certification Scheme for LED Lighting Products (hereinafter referred as "the Scheme").  The Scheme can be adopted by LED lighting manufacturers to show conformity with necessary technical requirements of the Scheme.  In addition, manufacturers shall comply with the quality management system (QMS) requirements as laid down in the ISO 9001 Standard.

The Scheme is the effort of the Committee through co-operation among representatives from local academics, engineers, LED lighting manufacturers, contractors, government bodies and users to development the Scheme in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 28.


Issue V (Rev.0, 06th March 2025)

Issue IV (Rev. 1, 28th May, 2019)

Issue IV (1st Nov 2017)

Issue III (8th August 2014)

Issue II (11th February 2014)

Issue I (29th August 2013) Obsolete

Certification Body:

- Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. (Mr. Samson Leong, Senior Manager, Wireless Charging Business Consultant, Intertek - Consumer & Commercial Electrical, Email:

- Hong Kong Certification Centre Limited (Mr Raymond Yue, Certification Manager, email:

LEDPCS Certified Product from Intertek Testing Services HK Ltd.

LEDPCS Certified Product from The Hong Kong Certification Centre Ltd.

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